Thursday, July 6

FRANCE WON! i know it's cause of penalty, but, FRANCE STILL WON!! haha. ((:
i know this is mundane, but dang man! it's the time of the month, yet again! RARRHH. cramps, breakouts, mood swings... here i come!
yeah. whatever.
since we're on this topic here, i read this newspaper article in the straits times on july first. and i just love the tittle. ((: those who have not read this, here's the article.
Teen's stomach ache is a baby boy
"A fifteen-year-old girl with severe labour pains did not even realise she waws pregnant until she gave birth to a baby boy on the way to hospital in an ambulance.
An ambulance arrived for the Secondary 4 student on April 25 after she complained of severe stomach pains. She gave birth on the way to the National University Hospital.
Yesterday, her former boyfriend, a 16-year-old student, admittedin the Community Court to three out of 10 counts of having sex with a girl under 16.
The girl felt something moving in her stomach for a few months, but did not think she was pregnant as she still had irregular periods. Her abdomen also did not swell.
People around her merely thought she had put on weight.
The pair had sex in the same place each time between April 2004 and January this year - the 21st-level staircase landing of a block of flats in Gangsa Road.
They met at school in early 2004.
The girl, then 13, became the teenager's steady girlfriend after they exchanged contact numbers and text messages.
They first had sexon the staircase landing in April that year.
Three months later, they broke up. But they got back together in march last year and had sex again in July.
In january this year, they had a quarrel shortly after another sexual encounter and stopped contacting each other..
In pleading for a light sentence, the N-level student told District Judge Bala Reddy that he was still in school, and that he hoped to help look after the baby, who is with the mother.
The judge called for a probation report on July 28."
okay, first off, i have to say how stupid can this girl get? i mean, how the hell do you not know that you are pregnant? i mean, irregular periods as an excuse? PLEASE! i mean how can you miss your period for almost nine months? then, how can you have sex at a dirty staircase landing? EWW! that's just disgusting! and, to my dismay and horror, i actually witnessed this kinda thing before, by accident! that story is for another time, but OMG! icks. and how can you actually have sex so early in a relationship at such a tender age. teenagers these days... *sigh* and, if you want to have underaged sex, have you heard of condoms, or any kind of protection? how dumb can these people get. and, they not only screw up their lives, but their families' as well. how inconsiderate.
gosh, i sound like such a hypocrite. anyways, i had fun today. talked, talked, talked. haha. oh yeah, i failed emaths test. oh my! such a surprise! i need to buck up man. anyways, i have to go. dinner time. i may posts some pictures later, if i have the time. and, photobucket is whacked!


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